Author Archives: admin

The Slavery Of Equity

So… The government has no money. It has to take money from the producers in society to pay for all the social programs which past generations never needed. These social programs are used to buy votes from the parasites in … Continue reading

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Gambling can be an Alternative Pastime during a Lake Tahoe Vacation

Just like any tourist that comes to Las Vegas do, gambling can also be an alternative pastime during a Lake Tahoe vacation. Whether you are up for grabs with high stakes gambling or just to while the time away on … Continue reading

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An All-in-One Lake Tahoe Vacation

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Whether it be an extreme sporting adventure, a family retreat or a serene solitary getaway, an all-in-one Lake Tahoe vacation has it all. Lake Tahoe, nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, is one of today’s finest vacation destinations around the … Continue reading

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I Don’t Believe in the Pandemic…

I do believe that there is a CoronaVirus called Covid 19, but I don’t believe the hype of the pandemic. There are many Corona Viruses. The ”Common Cold” is a Corona Virus and, as we know, there is no cure … Continue reading

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Ali and Jordan

Ali and Jordan Throughout black history, great black athletes have served as role models to America’s youth, in a way that may not have been possible for others leaders. To be sure, some of these great heroes of athletics have … Continue reading

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I Wanna Know Why…

So… New Hampshire democrat voters just went out in cold drizzly weather to place their votes and select the candidate they want to run in the next election for President. Most of the votes went to the declared socialist candidate … Continue reading

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Race Pimps Race Pimps… They are everywhere today. Like a pimp who has women on the street, a race pimp sells race and racism at every turn and makes a good living at it. Race pimps used to just be … Continue reading

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Reparations for Slavery?

So… The subject of reparations for slavery has come back up in the media and in Congress. It usually comes up when it is election time and candidates are trying to pander to black voters. (they tend to ignore black … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Rants, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Practical Jokes

Pranks, gags, practical jokes, call them what you want, but they happen every day around the world any time of the day or night. Some people really get serious about their pranks, some consider themselves to be an “aficionado of … Continue reading

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Brown VS Board of Education

In 1951, thirteen families in the small community of Topeka, Kansas got together to do something about an unjust situation. The board of education of their community was allowing racial segregation in the school system based on an out of … Continue reading

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