Category Archives: Life

Brown VS Board of Education

In 1951, thirteen families in the small community of Topeka, Kansas got together to do something about an unjust situation. The board of education of their community was allowing racial segregation in the school system based on an out of … Continue reading

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When I was a child growing up in a farming community in Iowa life was alright, but nothing very exciting happened. That all changed for me when the Barnum and Bailey Circus came to town. I had seen “The Greatest … Continue reading

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David, The King

“This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the … Continue reading

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Missouri Laws

  OK… So I didn’t grow up in Georgia, and I did grow up in Iowa, so in the interest of full disclosure, I was born in Missouri. So, here are some strange laws from my birth state. State wide: … Continue reading

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Iowa Laws

  OK… So someone told me I “Ain’t Right” for writing about Georgia’s strange laws since I didn’t grow up here (Yes, I live here now, but I grew up In Iowa) So, to be fair, I looked up strange … Continue reading

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Georgia Laws

In Athens, Georgia, Home of the Bulldogs, Alabama slingshots may not be used in the city limits. ( Sec. 3-5-16. Slingshots. No person shall use for amusement or otherwise any Alabama slingshot or any slingshot or similar thing in the … Continue reading

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Trivia Nuts!

Did you know that one in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth? Or that the average U.S. citizen eats more than 50 tons of food and drinks more that 13,000 gallons of liquid in a lifetime? Did you … Continue reading

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Baptism… The word means different things to different people. I have seen violent arguments and groups torn apart because of conflicting beliefs. If you are screaming at one another and condemning each other over the Word of God, then both … Continue reading

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Multiple Sclerosis-What Is It??

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) where the body’s own immune cells attack the nervous system. In Multiple Sclerosis, inflammation of nervous tissue causes the loss of myelin, a fatty material that acts … Continue reading

Posted in Health Matters, Life | 3 Comments

The Gay Agenda

The Gay Agenda The children are confused and some are wondering about the teachings they have received in their homes and churches. Liberals who control the schools want to teach the children that being gay is normal so they can … Continue reading

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