Monthly Archives: October 2011

The Argument Against Nationalized Healthcare

The idea of a nationalized healthcare system has been around for a long time, and like most other social ideas, it sounds good when you first hear it. Healthcare for everyone in the United States would be a dream come true for lots of families but the problems with universal healthcare far outweigh the benefits. Many countries have tried this and failed because of some basic ideas that aren’t even being considered. Continue reading

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Combating The Stigma Of Mental Illness

Mental Illness…
That sounds bad, doesn’t it? it sounds like someone is crazy or
retarded, maybe just plain weak-minded. You are depressed?
Snap out of it! Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Hey! It’s over. It’s
in the past! Get over it! Bi-Polar? That’s just an excuse for bad
behavior. Scizophrenic? Get a hold of yourself, there’s nothing
wrong with you!
The mark of shame has been on mental illness for far too long.
This is due to misconceptions about the types of mental illness.
Knowledge is the key to erasing this stigma. Psychiatrists have
started a campaign to combat these prejudices.
There are six common mental illness, which are panic attacks,
dementia, eating disorders, depression, schizophrenia and
addiction to drugs or alcohol. People with any of these disorders
need understanding and compassion, not hostility and
disapproval. When patients receive negative reactions, it drives
them further into their problem.
Not all drug addicts, schizophrenics and alcoholics are violent,
even though that misconception is held by a large majority of
people. With the lack of education for the general public, many
think that a severely depressed person will be able to pull
themselves out of this problem on their own. On the other hand,
the majority of the public think that those suffering from
dementia, depression, schizophrenia, panic attacks and addictions
cannot be helped with treatment.
World Mental Health Day is on October 10th and the focus will be
on mental illnesses and human rights. The campaign to erase the
stigma from mental illness focuses on providing information on
types of treatments offered through self-help groups and
psychotherapy. They are attempting to lift the public’s awareness
of the types of mental illness that are the most common. It is the
desire of the psychiatrists to not only reduce the stigma, but to
allow those affected to have dignity and the same rights others

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