Keep Them Dumb And Under Our ThumbPosted 1/18/2011 @ 2:15:36 pm by
It’s all just racist!
So… First Lady Michelle Obama is telling black children that needing to learn to read and write and do basic math and speak English is racist and discriminatory. What is she really doing? By doing this, she is telling black children that they are incapable of accomplishing the same as white children. They are too dumb to achieve a basic level of knowledge needed to live in America as equals with whites. No sense in even trying, you just can’t do it. Don’t worry, the guvmint will support ya. Don’t bother to try, we got dis covered. Just make sure you vote democrat,
Michelle, by the way, is a totally different story. She and her brother, Craig, were taught to read and write by their parents before they even started school. Both skipped second grade and by 6th grade she was put in a gifted class where she was exposed to three years of French before she graduated as class salutatorian. Michelle Obama knows full well the importance of school, education, learning and getting ahead. She is telling black youth the exact opposite of what her parents taught her, but then she is a member of the ruling class and the worst enemy to the ruling class is an educated proletariat. Since she and Barak like slogans her slogan could be, “Keep them dumb and under our thumb.”
Hey… Just because I did it , don’t mean that you should.
I look at race pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and it makes me sad for people of color in America. I have used the term “race pimp” before and some people have asked me what that’s supposed to mean, so here is an explanation for all. A pimp turns out his people (whores) , female or male, and puts them out on the street to be screwed while he makes all the money. That’s as simple and polite as I can make it. Sharpton and Jackson travel around in jets and limos and neither one of them has ever held an honest job that I have heard of. They both carry the title of “Reverend”, but I couldn’t name a church either one of them pastored. I remember back in the sixties when you could send $10.00 to an address on a matchbook cover and they would give you credentials of ministry with whatever title you like. (I know, I did it myself) They have both gotten rich off the backs of black people (which I didn’t) by traveling around telling them that they are downtrodden by white Republicans. Their money, meanwhile, comes from rich democrats who want to keep black votes by keeping truth from them.
They ignore that it was a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, who brought about the end of slavery in America. They ignore that the Ku Klux Klan was started and populated by democrats throughout their existence. They ignore that Senator Robert K. Byrd, recruiter for the KKK was the democrat senate leader who lead the filibuster against the civil rights act of 1964 and received a lot of support from Al Gore Senior. They ignore that it was Republicans who pushed the legislation through. The more they ignore and hide the facts from black people in America, tell them that they don’t need to be educated, that needing to read and write and speak English is “Racist”, that the government should take care of them because white Republicans have oppressed them, the more they can keep them voting democrat and and keep them in democrat chains.
They invoke the name of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr, but never mention that he was a conservative Republican fighting against democrat oppression.
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Dr. King said that he had a dream that men could be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, but now we have elected a man to the highest office in the nation based on the color of his skin instead of the content of his character. People were so enthralled at the idea of having a black man as president, they didn’t even bother to check him out, to read his own words from his own books. They voted for someone who openly expressed his admiration of communism and the Marxist rule. As a conservative Republican, Dr. King would be aghast at what we have become, at what our votes have brought.
I realize that the haters are just going to become apoplectic over this comment, but after signing the Civil Right Act of 1964, President Lyndon Baines Johnson told two nearby governors, “I’ll have these n*****s voting democrat for the next 200 years”. He was confident that the act would help keep the “colored folk” down on the democrat plantation where they belong, since they aren’t smart enough to keep up with white folk, you understand.
Thanks for keeping the plantation dream alive, Michelle. Another generation of black children, born out of wedlock, will grow up undereducated and unmotivated and totally dependent on liberal government for their existence. And they will grow up thinking they are “entitled” to all kinds of things that are not in the constitution. It is not white conservatives, but people like you that oppress people of color in this country by telling them that they are not capable of making it on their own, so they shouldn’t even try.
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