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The Target, Sarah Palin
The Target, Sarah Palin
Posted 2/15/2011 @ 6:40:12 pm by rainboreview.com
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Poor Sarah Palin… A character in the political world who is a real person instead of a politician. She scares the britches off Democrats and Republicans alike because they don’t know how to deal with real people. The politicians on both sides are so used to telling people what they assume they want to hear instead of saying what they really think. Sarah is honest and will not tell a lie just to give you a “Feel good” experience. When you are honest about what you think, you are bound to upset a lot of the people who’s votes you want.
People just love to attack what they fear
Politicians fear an honest approach, and, as any psychologist will tell you, people will attack what they fear.
Sarah Palin has been fearfully attacked ever since she came on to the national scene. No one has endured such vitriol and name calling by both political parties as she has. As a beauty queen, mayor and even Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin was no threat to the mainstream politicians. Now that she is in the spotlight, nation wide and speaking about what she really believes, she is a threat to politicians around the country who may actually be expected to tell the truth as well. (Shudder!) Whenever she speaks her mind, the opposition on both sides tries to figure a way to attack her words, and sometimes, they just attack anything about her, or her children.
Mocking Sarah is the hobby of the media
Ridicule is so much easier than answering the charges
OK… So Sarah has been known to say things that detractors can attack, and attack they do. Her ideas and concepts are not those of the main stream. Her most recent blunder, if blunder it was, was during her attempt to defend herself after the Arizona killings. A deranged young man who had been stalking Congresswoman Giffords for four years shot and killed several people and the press and celebrities started immediately blaming Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and talk radio. If she remained silent, it would look as though she felt guilty for her complicity in the killings, so she answered her critics in a very civil manner and on camera. Her blunder was the use of the term “Blood Libel”. Liberals who are familiar with the term immediately started calling her names and saying she was anti-Semitic because of the original meaning of the term. Jews were falsely accused of killing Christian children and use their blood to make matzos for Passover. (There is no historical evidence of this ever happening).
Whether she understood the meaning or she didn’t, she was actually
correct in the use of the term. The false accusations had to be addressed.
On January 10, 2011, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece titled “The Arizona Tragedy and the Politics of Blood Libel” by University of Tennessee Distinguished professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, two days before Sarah Palin used the term. Why wasn’t the professor excoriated and reviled by the left? Is it because he is a college professor and most of them are far left? You Betcha! If he had been a conservative Republican professor they would have demanded his expulsion at once.
I like Sarah Palin and her political views. If she were the Republican candidate against Barak Obama I would vote for her without reservation. I like the idea of an honest politician. It’s a refreshing idea. However, due to the fear so many feel for her, I hope she doesn’t run for the White House. The Democrats will turn out in huge numbers to stop her and reluctant Republicans will stay home to avoid voting for her. Sad that so many will allow a Marxist to rule America for another four years just because they are scared of an honest woman.
HEY! REPUBLICANS! Get out there and vote for whoever ISN’T a Marxist! Don’t be afraid of honesty in politics.